European Nowcasting and Weather Forecasting Conference 2024

4-8 November 2024

ENWFC-2024 in Oslo, Norway

About the conference

The European Nowcasting and Weather Forecasting Conference 2024 (ENWFC-2024) is organized in the frame of EUMETNET (European Meteorological Network) within EUMETNET Weather Forecasting Cooperation (E-WFC) and most of its Modules (E-NWC: EUMETNET Nowcasting, PP: Post Processing, SRNWP-EPS: Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction – Ensemble Prediction System). It is the continuation of the series of European Nowcasting Conference, and organized within the three listed Modules for the first time. It is dedicated to Nowcasting, Very Short Range Forecasting (VSRF), Seamless Forecasting, Ensemble Prediction and Post Processing. The goal of the conference is to promote recent advances in the theory and practice of these issues in Europe and other parts of the world. 

The conference welcomes participants from operational, research and forecast user communities. 

The scientific program will feature keynote addresses as well as contributed presentations (15 min + 5 min questions/discussion) and offer enough room for discussions.

Practical information

ENWFC-2024 will take place in Oslo (Norway) from Monday 4th of November to Friday 8th of November 2024 in Oslo Science Park, nearby MET Norway.

How to get there.

Where to stay

About the venue.

Please register for the conference here.


First announcement 23.May 2024

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 6th September 2024. Submit your abstract here.

Notification of acceptance: 16 September 2024

Registration is open until 30 September 2024. Register here.

Release of final program: 30 September 2024

Conference date: 4 November 2024 – 8 November 2024


Observations as basis for nowcasting, very short range forecasting and situational awareness:

Nowcasting and Postprocessing techniques, systems and products:

Seamless prediction:

Verification and societal impacts:


Abstract submission 

We appreciate your contribution. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 6th September 2024. Submit your abstract here.

Scientific Steering Committee

Alexander Kann (GeoSphere Austria), Aitor Atencia (GeoSphere Austria), Kathrin Wapler (DWD), Matteo Buzzi (MeteoSwiss),
Maarten Reyniers (RMI), André Simon (SHMU), Stéphane Vannitsem (RMI), Jonathan Demaeyer (RMI), Chiara Marsigli (DWD),
Francesca Marcucci (ITAF Met), Alfons Callado (AEMET), Inger-Lise Frogner (MET Norway)

Conference Organization Committee

Solfrid Agersten (MET Norway), Kathrine Lindsay (MET Norway), Franziska Schmid (GeoSphere Austria), Stéphane Vannitsem (RMI),
Chiara Marsigli (DWD), Francesca Marcucci (ITAF Met), Alfons Callado (AEMET), Tomislav Marekovic (DHZ, EUMETCAL)